Welcome! I’m glad to have you here and hope you will enjoy following me as I continue beekeeping and learn how to become more self-sufficient by gardening, foraging, and raising livestock. As you most likely don’t know who I am, I should introduce myself; I am Tara Windnagle. I am a wife and mother (to my adorable little Aidan). My husband, Joe, and I have been beekeeping since 2013 and really enjoy it. I look forward to helping others learn the joys of owning bees and having access to local, raw honey.

I have always been a country girl at heart, and in 2015 we bought a house together out in the middle of nowhere (well, kind of) on 7 acres of land. About 4 of those acres are wooded, which we hunt on and I attempt to forage (still learning, though you could say I’m an expert in finding ramps [also called wild leeks or spring onions] now). I hope to be able to find the highly prized Morel mushroom hiding somewhere in my property. I can almost taste them now!
Growing our farm has been slow going, though we have 2 goats; a wether (castrated male, Nigerian dwarf) and a doe (female, Pygmy). I can’t wait to breed Cinnamon (the female, of course) and have my very own goat milk and raise my own meat! Learning to make our own cheese and yogurt will be so much fun as well. We have also tossed ideas around like growing out a pig or a steer- though that will definitely have to wait until we build a barn to house them in.
Now, what are your homestead goals? Do you want to grow all your own vegetables? Have a giant flock of chickens? Or have tomatoes and basil growing on your porch for homemade sauce? There are no wrong answers and no matter where you live or if you even have land, there is something you can do to connect with the Earth a little more.
So again, welcome to my site and I hope you can learn many new skills with me!
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