Tara here, and you’ve found Queen Bee Homestead! Located in Western New York, I have been beekeeping for eight years and now I’m expanding into other ventures. Follow along as we build a barn, get some goats, rabbits, and help you learn along with us!
Foraging Ramps (Wild Leeks)
Foraging ramps- also known as wild leeks (or Allium tricoccum, if you want to get really technical)- is a very easy food to forage. It’s great for beginners! They are also great in many recipes and are easy to substitute in. Before you Begin Foraging Ramps It’s key to note that the best time to…
Honey Pops Recipe
Make your own Honey Pops! Honey pops are a delicious treat any time of the year. I especially love whipping up a batch to help combat sore throats! The recipe only has 3 ingredients plus flavoring, if you like. Once you have the equipment- these are a snap! Getting Started Before making these for the…
Feeding your Bees
At some point, all hives will more than likely need to be fed. If you’re lucky, you might have some extra frames of honey to feed your bees, but in most cases, you will need to whip up some sugar water. Keep reading to learn more about feeding your bees! A Honey Bee and Yellow…
A Great Dual-Purpose Breed: Kinder Goats!
I researched for a long time and flip-flopped on what exactly I wanted in a goat quite a few times. Eventually, I landed on the Kinder goat. This breed has some of the highest butterfat content milk available (averaging around 5.5% and many going much higher). High butterfat means better taste and more products that…
Cheesy Ramp Frittata Recipe
After foraging for your own ramps (wild leeks), you will, of course, want some recipes to go with them! While ramps can be substituted into many dishes, this cheesy ramp frittata utilizes the bulb and leaves! Versatility of Frittatas A frittata is a crust-less quiche. And much like a quiche, you can throw almost any…
How to Get FREE Bees!
That’s right! Want to start beekeeping, but don’t want to spend $150-$200 on bees? It may take a little luck and time, but you can learn how to get free bees! Swarms That’s right, swarms. The key to how to get free bees is swarms. What is a swarm, you may ask? Well, it is,…